First week back and opening of St Anthony’s Nursery

Posted: 8th September 2023

What a fantastic first week back this was!  Our students, both new and returning, have dived into their studies with zeal and zest.

It’s with great excitement and enthusiasm that we welcome everyone back to school for the start of a brand-new academic year! We extend a warm welcome to our returning families and a heartfelt greeting to the new ones joining our St Anthony’s family. Together, we embark on a journey filled with promise, growth, and endless opportunities.

We are thrilled to announce the opening of our brand-new nursery. This addition to our school marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing a comprehensive education that caters to students of all ages. Our nurturing and experienced staff are dedicated to creating a supportive and stimulating environment for your youngest learners, setting the foundation for a lifelong love of education. Our Nursery children arrived to a whole new indoor and outdoor environment on Monday and willingly explored all our resources.

If you are interested in applying for a nursery place please contact ​our Registrar You can now book a Play and Stay session, which gives you the opportunity to spend a morning in the nursery with our practitioners. Use the button below to book your place.


Here’s to a year filled with learning, laughter, and shared accomplishments!


Categories: Events News
Come and Visit Us!

St Anthony’s School Open Mornings

Wednesday 12th June 9.30 – 11 am

St Anthony’s Nursery NW3 Stay and Play sessions

Dates and bookings are available on Open Apply. Please use the button below