
With effect from September 2024, the fees, which are due on the first day of each term, are as follows:

  • Nursery: 5 half days £3,365; 3, 4 or 5 full days £5,770
  • Junior House £7,900 per term
  • Senior House £8,145 per term

A full term’s notice, or a full term’s fees in lieu of notice, is required before a boy is removed from the school. No allowance can be made for absence, although details of insurance are available from the Finance Officer.

The Headmaster reserves the right to relinquish charge of any boy for a reasonable cause without previous notice.

Lunches are cooked on site and their cost is included in the fees.

Please note: The above information does not form part of any agreement between the parents and the school. Although believed correct at the time of publication, certain statements may become out of date from time to time. Parents wishing to place specific reliance on a statement in the prospectus should seek written confirmation of that statement before accepting the offer of a place.

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