Aims & Ethos

St Anthony’s School Mission Statement

St Anthony’s is committed to giving every pupil in our care the best start in life. Our Catholic ethos emphasises the spiritual dimension which reaches out to parents seeking an education that is both enriching and nurturing.

Identifying and fostering each boy’s potential is written into the school’s DNA.

Our four aims are:

  • To deliver an intellectual, moral and spiritual education.
  • To develop academic potential and a passion for learning.
  • To promote personal excellence in the creative arts, music and sport.
  • To cultivate independent thought and uniqueness in personality.

Who are we?

Strong moral values are at the core of life at St Anthony’s. We are a Catholic school. While a substantial number of our pupils are Catholics, we also welcome those of other faiths and experience suggests that parents are strongly attracted by the universal appeal of our values. Education is always pupil-focussed: the most confident and articulate pupils are encouraged to strive for ever greater attainment and those who are less confident are given the support that they need to overcome any temporary challenges. Work undertaken in the classroom is supported by the opportunity to discuss current affairs in class and after school and by talks from visiting speakers – often experts in their field – at our weekly assemblies. Drama, music and sport also flourish at the school as we believe that these are an essential component in a well-rounded education.

We believe in the uniqueness and moral worth of every individual pupil: everyone has something to contribute and no-one should feel inadequate. Pupils are encouraged to be respectful to each other and to listen to points of view which may differ from their own. In the words of our founder, Richard Patton, the school proudly echoes our motto “Virtute Adepta” – acquired by virtue. Our four aims support pupils to achieve intellectual and spiritual fulfilment, happy to embark on an educational journey, inclusive of much challenge and reward. Pupils leave St Anthony’s life ready, in other words, well prepared for the challenges of secondary school, university and indeed, their professional future.

School Life