
Why have a Bursary Fund?

St. Anthony’s School values diversity in all its forms. We have a long history of awarding bursaries, which is an important part of our mission and identity as a Roman Catholic School. Because we believe that having students in the school from different backgrounds will educate all the students to respect and value diversity, we have created a bursary fund through our partner charity, The Gold Standard Charitable Trust (GSCT) to provide access to the school for students whose families would not otherwise be able to afford the fees.

The Charity

The Gold Standard Charitable Trust raises monies for bursaries at St. Anthony’s School and all the schools in the Inspired UK family. The Charity hosts the St. Anthony’s Bursary Fund. The goal of the fund is to raise enough money so each year going forward we can add one or more means tested substantial bursary awards for students entering St. Anthony’s. Donations to this fund will be designated to students at St. Anthony’s.  If all the needs of St. Anthony’s students are completely met, funds may also be used where the need is greatest among the schools that GSCT serves.

Tax Advantaged Giving

The tax laws of the UK allow you to increase your giving impact substantially if you apply for gift aid.  Families in the 45% tax bracket who claim gift aid have an impact 82% greater than the net cost of their gift. For the 40% tax bracket the impact is an additional 67% and in the 20% bracket it is still 25% extra for the students. The table below shows how that works:

Tax rate              Gift amount     Post tax gift cost     Gift Aid         Net to School       % Increase

45% tax rate          £10,000                £6875                           £2500                 £12,500                  +82%

40% tax rate         £1,000                   £750                              £250                   £1,250                    +67%

20% tax rate         £100                      £100                              £25                      £125                        +25%


You can help us be a better and stronger school and allow us to bring in wonderful and interesting students with your gift to the St. Anthony’s Bursary Appeal. Please follow this link to make an online gift: Donation | Fundraising | Gold Standard Charitable Trust

For more information about the Bursary Appeal, other ways to make a gift and the Gold Standard Charitable Trust, please contact info@goldstandardcharitabletrust.co.uk

How to Apply?

If you are interested in applying for a bursary place for your child, please contact the School Registrar, who will be happy to provide you more information – pahead@stanthonysprep.co.uk

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