Visit of Dame Emily Lawson, Chief Commercial Officer for NHS England

Posted: 20th January 2023

St Anthony’s was delighted to welcome Dame Dr Emily Lawson, Chief Commercial Officer at NHS England, who addressed the Senior House boys at assembly this morning. Dame Emily’s talk, Vaccines in arms, not fridges, focused on the rollout of the Covid vaccine in December 2020, which she coordinated. Dame Emily led a rapt audience through the process by which the vaccine was developed, at apace, trialled and then distributed (with the aim of vaccinating 45 million adults in England). Dame Emily was delighted at the interest shown by the boys and the range of questions posed.

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St Anthony’s School Open Mornings

Wednesday 12th June 9.30 – 11 am

St Anthony’s Nursery NW3 Stay and Play sessions

Dates and bookings are available on Open Apply. Please use the button below