Virtual debate with St. Margaret’s School in Hampstead

Posted: 25th November 2022

After a fantastic first term building on their skillset, our year 5 and 6 debate club students were given the opportunity to participate in a ‘friendly’ virtual debate with St. Margaret’s School in Hampstead. A number of boys put themselves forward, demonstrating their commitment to the club and appetite for challenge.

Our first debate was exploring the motion that “This house would punish children for crimes their children commit”. A team of five boys were proposing arguments for this and were commended by the principal of St. Margarets for their passionate delivery as well as their considered and thoughtful rebuttles. Our second debate was “This house would make every child over 8 read at least 10 pages of a book every lunch time” and for this session a new team of five were opposing the motion. Once again, they were commended for their public speaking skills, confidence in oracy and for the convincing nature of their arguments and rebuttles.

After careful deliberation it was agreed that both matches were scored as a draw; something that our boys are keen to build on in the future now they have had such an invaluable experience. Now that they have ‘broken the ice’ it has inspired many others to participate and we hope to have more matches on the horizon for 2023. A huge thank you to the boys for being such fantastic ambassadors for St. Anthony’s and for the parents in supporting our extra-curricular offering

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