Roman Day at St Anthony’s

Posted: 15th November 2022

Students wearing Roman armour and outfits

Yesterday, Year 3 had a spectacular Roman Day experience.

Firstly, we examined why the Romans came to Britain. We compared the differences between the Romans and the Celtic tribes. In the second session of the morning, we learned Roman Army formations. We even tried out the famous ‘Tortoise’ formation. We learnt why the Roman army was so effective, its basic organisation, training, and tactics. The boys had the opportunity to show off their incredible homemade Roman shields, which they had made over half-term in preparation! We ended the morning sessions by recreating Boudicca’s defeat, enacting out the key points of the historic battle in the Junior House playground.

In the afternoon, our learning moved to the classrooms. We handled Roman artefacts, dressed up as different types of soldiers in the Roman legion and learnt about the different types of military equipment. They enjoyed cementing their knowledge by presenting to the class about their chosen uniform, whilst identifying advantages and disadvantages of each.

We ended the day in the ‘Colosseum’, recreating the mayhem and madness of the Arena and the important part it played in Roman life.

Sophie Sheaf

Year 3 Form Teacher

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