European Languages Week at St Anthony’s

Posted: 6th October 2022

children dressed in Italian themed clothes

On Monday 26th September we celebrated European Day of Languages at St Anthony’s. This was a chance for the boys to explore the wealth of languages spoken in Europe as well as opening their eyes to the cultural diversity that is on their doorstep.

From the noises that animals make in different languages to international tongue twisters the boys had the chance to try out dialects from our European community. The boys had the opportunity to share their home languages and our senior boys in Year 8 led an assembly for the Junior House showcasing the other languages that they speak.

The festivities were rounded off with some fantastic costumes, including a wonderful homemade Tour Eiffel. The boys raised a total of £314.35 for charity with their donations on the day.

Matt Evered – Head of Languages

Categories: Events
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Wednesday 12th June 9.30 – 11 am

St Anthony’s Nursery NW3 Stay and Play sessions

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