After-School Care

Big Brother Club

Big brother club is designed for all little siblings, who have brothers in Senior House. In Junior House (Reception to Year 3), the school day will finish at 3/3:30pm. Their older brothers in Senior House, do not finish till 4:00pm, and therefore, little siblings can stay in Junior House, free of charge until 4:00pm.

After School Care

Starting from January 2025, children in the Junior House will be able to attend after-school care until 5:30pm, every day. This is delivered by the provider Activa. They will provide a substantial snack which includes wraps and sandwiches, fruit, cheese and crackers and crudities/dips.

The Aktiva team get to know the children on an individual basis and together they plan inspiring and exciting activities that best meet the children’s needs and wants. The team will also devise active sessions that will inspire the children to try new things, building confidence and broadening their experience.

Sample Session Itinerary
The daily schedule is shown below.

3.15 – 3.35pm – Children arrive from their classes
3.35 – 4pm – Multi activity sessions board games /Lego/Role play/play dough/
4.00 – 4.30pm – snack
4.30 – 5.25pm – multi-choice, multi activity sessions
• Indoor – Art and Design – Paper Mache/Collage /Painting – Adult led
• Outdoor sports session – Hockey, Netball, Football, Touch Rugby, Rounders Adult led
5.25 – 5.30pm – prepare children for collection