Alumni Gala Dinner

Posted: 13th June 2019

Alumni Gala Dinner photos

Last night, we were delighted to be joined by our Alumni to celebrate the school’s 125th Anniversary. Our guests ranged from students who joined St. Anthony’s in the 1960s right up to boys who left us last year. We were also joined by a number of former staff and it was lovely to welcome them back to the school.

Everyone enjoyed meeting up with old friends and reminiscing about their school days. Many of our alumni have particularly fond memories of their Headmaster, Tim Patton, who ran the school for over 30 years, from 1963 to 1994. There were old school photos and other artefacts on display and of particular interest, was the old school log book, which has details of all pupils who were at the school between its opening in Hampstead in 1952 up to the early 1970s.

We were treated to a delicious meal by our catering team and our alumni were delighted to see that the food has improved from their school days. The food at St. Anthony’s was not one of the highlights of the 1960s, 70s or 80s!

Our Headmaster, Paul Keyte, spoke to our guests at the end of the evening and explained the purpose of the bursary fund that we have recently launched. The school is proud to have supported, financially, a number of students throughout the school over the past few years and is keen to expand the support that we are able to offer.

The dinner was brought to a close by a wonderful recital from one of our most recent leavers.

Thanks to all our alumni and staff for supporting this event.


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Wednesday 12th June 9.30 – 11 am

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